When arguing, capturing every fact—or
even every relevant fact—through four dimensions is simply impossible. Accordingly,
we try to carve out a portion of this landscape and either confine our point to
this area or use that area to make a larger point. This is “framing”: a useful
metaphor that describes how we place a frame around that part of the landscape
we wish to establish and use for the picture we attempt through argument to
In an ideal world, persuasion would
consist solely of presenting useful information, and thus leading readers to a
particular conclusion. Everyone brings his or her own perspective to the
interpretation of information, but the writer should present facts, in their
relevant context, to direct and help readers understand what is important, what
it means, and why it matters. Not everyone will agree, but everyone will
understand better the points of disagreement and the bases and reasons for
those points.
But we do not live in that ideal world.
While framing is useful and even necessary, the technique allows for deception.
Sometimes this deception springs from laziness, an unwillingness to pursue the
intellectual rigors of thinking through an issue. Other times, it emanates from
sheer dishonesty, a conscious decision to omit some relevant context, or even
fabricate entirely the facts that form the argument’s foundation.
As such, understanding how framing works
matters: not only to help create sound, persuasive arguments, but also to
recognize linguistic chicanery and avoid falling into the trap of beautiful
logic built on false premises.
Focal Points: Terms
and Definitions
In most paintings or photographs,
certain parts of the image stand out as focal points. In persuasive writing, key
words serve the same purpose: words marked sometimes by repetition, others by
virtue of a pre-established place in the ongoing dialogue over the issue at
hand. They leap from the page, directing the reader’s attention to a
predetermined place.
The process of framing an argument
around these focal points begins with terms and their definitions. What do the
words mean, and what import branches from the definitional trunk? What purpose
do terms have in establishing parameters of debate? Good writers choose each
word with care, selecting impactful terms that drive the writing where the
writer wants it to go. Nomenclature matters.
Many political debates use terms to this
effect. A piece of legislation now widely panned for its over-intrusive effects
and rushed drafting and passage, The USA PATRIOT Act (“Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorism”) passed the Senate with a vote of 98-1, with one
abstention. Many who voted to approve it confessed later to not having read it.
So why did it pass? The urgency of the moment after the Trade Center towers
fell led to an overwhelming sense of patriotism—which always has and always
will carry different implications for different people—as well as a sense of
having to do something. Calling the
legislation the OVERREACH Act (“Obliterating the Very Embedded Rights Regular
Everyday Americans CHerish”) would not have achieved this effect, however much
more accurately it may have represented the bill.
Elsewhere, we see factions creating
terms and defining debates in a way that allows them to dismiss the other side,
rather than addressing it directly. Abortion rights advocates see “Pro-Choice”
and “Anti-Choice,” while opponents of abortion see “Pro-Life” and “Anti-Life.”
One side believes it is fighting against people who hate women, while the other
believes it is fighting against people with callous disregard for babies. The
labels both set up and reinforce the larger points.
In these and many other examples, the
writers or speakers choose words for impact. How do we define concepts in a way
that motivates or upsets people? Can we use positive-sounding words, especially
those with a generally negative opposite, to charge the writing? As a reader,
recognizing this helps identify the foundation of an argument—a recognition
critical to analyzing arguments, even more critical than the ability to follow
the path of logic from that foundation. Even the most beautiful logical house,
when built on a swamp, will sink.
Landscape: Words and Contexts
More insidious than terms built on stark
contrasts are situations where people use the same word to mean very different
things. One person may speak of “freedom” as the ability to allow one person
who has accumulated wealth to contribute unfettered to political causes, while another
may use the same word to mean allowing everyone to reach an equal footing
regardless of achievement. Neither usage is technically incorrect, insofar as
“freedom” means being unconstrained by a defined outside force. The
implications of each, though, carry different, sometimes diametrically opposed
Clearly, framing means something beyond
word selection, and even word definition. The context into which we layer words
gives structure to our words. If the key terms reflect the focal point of an
argument, the context represents what the writer brings in to surround those
terms. Think of a key term in the writing as akin to a bird in a painting. The
same bird reflects different ideas depending on whether it flies over a
mountain, rests on a power line, or lies dead in the middle of a highway.
Some of the best examples of laying bare
the contexts in which people make points come from Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Every episode involves
Mr. Stewart or one of his reporters playing with the context around an
argument, typically by splicing clips about the same issue from various
segments. Sometimes this means demonstrating that one person or news network
will make vastly different claims on the same issue depending on who benefits
from the claim. Other times, it means dabbling in the absurdity of a claim
based on information that the person chooses not to present with an argument.
In all of these cases, though, the formula remains consistent: show a claim or
argument, reveal different or additional context, and let the audience choose
to laugh or scream as appropriate.
The point: just as writers choose the
terms and definitions on which they rely, they choose the details to pull
inside the frame as well. Just as layers of landscape do not serve as mere
filler in a painting, they are not just background information for an argument.
Facts abound, littering the internet with enough information to lead someone in
any direction he or she would like to go. Recognize that those a writer
collects to include are selected for a reason.
The Whole Picture: Reading
and Writing with Framing in Mind
As a reader of persuasive writing,
understanding everything above helps your understanding of how writing
persuades. The best way to determine whether to agree or disagree is to start
at the foundation. Examine the words chosen, and ask yourself why they were
chosen. Look at definitions not only for what they include, but for what they
do not. From here, you can follow the trail through the context provided,
looking for gaps in what the writer includes, and looking for signs of
misinformation: “facts” provided without any mooring to references, short lines
quoted from other writing without context, and bold statements lacking clear
support. Investigate these gaps, reading with a skeptical eye. Writers choose
words and context from the myriad possibilities for a reason, and you as a
reader have every right to investigate the reasons and any alternative
information available.
As a persuasive writer, on the other
hand, you may choose two routes. One is to focus myopically on the piece of
landscape you wish to present. Select the “facts” that support your side,
engage in clever wordsmithing, and blend it all into a clear, focused piece
that segregates itself from the rest of the landscape. Your writing will be
clear and precise, with neither the effort nor the result toward completeness
or complexity. You will convince anyone who already agreed with your point.
Alternatively, you may choose a more nuanced path. Acknowledge facts or statements that go against your thesis, and accord them the respect of rebutting them. Demonstrate the existence of a broad landscape, in which easy answers and solutions prove hard to come by. Lay out the facts as you have encountered them to lead your readers through your thought process. Argue for the superiority of your position—forcefully and unapologetically—but accept that intelligent people often disagree. In short, frame your argument to reveal a worldview without using tricks to hide part of the world you are viewing. You will not convince everyone that you are right, but your case will be stronger for showing your arrival at a conclusion even in the face of contrary information.
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